Reduce Acne Scars with MINT Threads

MINT Threads can visibly improve acne scars. It is a simple and effective procedure that places tiny, little threads rights underneath your acne scars. This process first breaks up the small fibres that cause this type of scar. Then, over time, the threads dissolve and stimulate new collagen. New collagen makes skin smoother and thicker and further evens out the scars.

The treatment works well as a standalone treatment. But you can combine it with Dermapen 4 Micro-needling or PRP Plasma therapy to further enhance your result.

Please contact us anytime should you wish to speak to Dr Nadja Haub

Non-Surgical Facelift, Christchurch

We will apply a numbing cream to the area you wish to have treated. After that, we will thoroughly cleanse your face to prevent an infection.

Once your skin is well prepared, we will gently inject the small MONO Threads under your skin. This will resemble a MESH-like structure.

The treatment works well for people who have acne scars that look indrawn into the skin. If you have acne scars that stick out, you may be better off with other treatment options such as micro-needling and PRP Plasma.

It is also important that you do not have a current acne outbreak. This could increase your risk to get an infection. Should you have a current outbreak, we would suggest other treatment options for acne to you.

This is a safe procedure and very rarely causes any problems. Sometimes you can develop swelling and bruising close to the area treated but this will resolve after a few days.

Very rarely, the threads can get infected. We perform all our procedures under sterile conditions and as the threads are very small, the risk of them causing an infection is very low.

This really is a simple and efficient procedure that takes approximately 30 minutes.

The threads required to treat acne scars are quite small and can be gently inserted into the skin. Most people describe the procedure as slightly uncomfortable. It is normal to feel some pulling or pushing. Should you feel any pain, please let us know immediately and we can find ways to make you feel more comfortable.

Most people will resume their daily activities straight after this treatment. To reduce any swelling or bruising you can apply an icepack after the procedure. We do not recommend any strenuous exercise for 2 or 3 days. And you can take paracetamol for pain relief, please do not take any anti-inflammatories or supplements as this can make you bruise.

The threads cost 10 NZD per thread. Normally 20 to 100 threads are required. We will carefully assess your face during your first consultation and give you an accurate price estimate.

Satini Cosmetic Clinic Results

A young woman with acne scars. Several threads were gently inserted underneath her skin. Her skin looks a lot smoother and healthier, and the scars are minimal.

Before and after MINT Threads for acne scars-Botox Clinic Christchurch-Botox Near Me