Lift Your Eyebrows With MINT Thread

Do you want to lift and reshape your eyebrows and look natural at the same time? MINT Threads are a simple and effective treatment option to give your eyebrows that extra lift. Tiny, little threads that your body absorbs over time are skilfully placed along your eyebrow line. This shapes and lifts your eyebrows but also stimulates the formation of collagen. This newly formed collagen continues to lift your eyebrows once the threads are dissolved.

Please call us anytime if you wish to discuss this treatment further

Non-Surgical Facelift, Christchurch

Firstly, we will apply a numbing cream onto your eyebrows and the forehead. Then we will inject very small amounts of local anaesthetic along with your eyebrows.

Most people will require 4 threads for each eyebrow. The threads are inserted in a vertical direction to your eyebrows. This means they start at the bottom of your eyebrows towards your hairline. They are a few centimetres long.

The procedure takes approximately 45 minutes up to one hour. This is mainly because you need a bit of time for the local anaesthetic to start working. The actual insertion of the threads only takes a few minutes.

It is very important to us to make sure that you are the right candidate for a MINT Thread lift. We will assess your face carefully during your one-hour free consultation and provide you with honest and realistic advice.

Some people do manage to go back to work straight after this procedure. But generally, I would recommend taking the afternoon or maybe even the next day off. This is because you may get some swelling or discomfort on top of your forehead. On top of that, many people will feel a bit tired after a procedure and prefer to have some rest.

The cost of an eyebrow lift is usually 800 NZD, 4 threads on each side are required for this procedure.

MINT Threads have been approved by the FDA which means that they have been extensively tested and deemed to be safe. The main risk is bruising and swelling on your forehead which can happen in up to 20% of people who had this procedure. Please check Dr Nadja Haub’s blog for more information about bruising.

Another rare, potential problem is the asymmetry of the eyebrows. Should this occur, it can be corrected by pulling and massaging the thread which is causing the problem. In rare circumstances, the thread may have to be removed.

Please read more about threads here.

Satini Cosmetic Clinic Results

A natural eyebrow lift with 4 threads on each side. The fine lines and wrinkles on her forehead were reduced as well, and her skin looks smoother and thicker.