Lip Treatment with PDO-Threads

Do you want to enhance and define your lips in a natural way? MINT threads enhance and define lips in the most natural way possible.

Tiny, little threads are gently inserted along your lip line. There they stimulate collagen and help to define and enhance the appearance of your lip. In contrast to lip filler, this temporary treatment does not add volume to your lips but rather defines and enhances their contour. This leaves you with subtle and natural result.

We will first apply a numbing cream to your lips. After that, we will inject some local anaesthetic into the entry point of the thread close to the corners of your mouth. Once the local aneasthetic is working, we will gently insert the threads along your upper and/or lower lip line. The threads will be completely covered with skin, and you do not need a plaster or a wound dressing.

If you wish to apply make up afetr you had the MINT Threads, we will provide you with a sterile make up that we stock in our clinic. This will help protect you from a possible infection.

If you have a tendency to get cold sores, we will prescribe a few aciclovir tablets. You should take these on the day and for one day after the procedure.

Generally, the whole procedure takes approximately 30 minutes.

The goal is for you to not feel any pain during the procedure. It is normal to feel a bit of pulling and pressure though.

We will apply a numbing cream first. This cream contains a local anaesthetic. After that, we will gently inject a local aneasthetic into the entry points for the MINT Threads. This can make your lips feel a little bit numb and can last for a few hours.

But please let us know anytime if you feel any pain during the procedure. In rare circumstances, we can perform a nerve block like dentists do. This would completely numb your lip and last for a few hours.

We try our uttermost to prevent bruising and swelling under any circumstances. Please also read Dr Nadja Haub’s blog on what you can do at home to prevent bruising before and after your appointment.

But because the procedure involves placing a thread under the skin, sometimes, despite our best efforts, bruising can happen. This will always resolve within a few days.

The threads willl start to dissolve after a few months. But the threads stimulate the build up of collagen. This collagen is actually what makes your lips look more enhanced. Most people find that their result lasts from one up to 3 years. When you feel you are ready, we can insert new threads or look at other treatment option such as the Botox Lip Flip or Lip Filler.

In most cases, this procedure is very well tolerated and does not cause any problems.

The most common problem is mild bruising and swelling after the procedure and probably happens in 10% of people who have this treatment. In most cases, you should be able to cover this with some make up or lipstick.

Rarely, MINT Threads can become infected. If this was the case, you would notice some redness and swelling, or maybe even pus around the threads. We perform all our procedures in a clean environment with a sterile technique to prevent infections. But should you get an infection, please contact us anytime, so that we can treat you with an antibiotic.

Cold sores can always occur after any procedure around the lips. To prevent this from happening, we often prescribe a shourt course of aciclovir for 2 days to prevent you from getting cold sores. 

Very rarely , the threads can become visible through your skin. If this was the case, there are several options of treating this complication. One option would be to  wait until the thread dissolves on its own. Because the threads dissolve faster when they get hot, you can apply heat packs and gentle massage or simply got to the sauna. In extremely rare cases, we can remove the thread.

MINT Lip Threads and Botox Lip Flip

You can combine Lip Threads with virtually any other treatment. Some clients who do not wish to have lip filler, combine the threads with a Botox Lip Flip, for example. This can further enhance your result and it is possible to have the Botox Lip Flip at the same time.

MINT LIP Threads and Lip Filler

If you wish to combine MINT Lip Threads with lip filler, we will usually do that over two different sessions, ideally 2 weeks apart. This is because you could get an infection more easily if we combine both treatments. It does not matter too much whether you choose to have the lip filler first or the MINT Threads, either way is possible.

MINT LIP Threads with more MINT Threads

Some people like to have further MINT Threads inserted on top of their lips to improve barcode lines. This is easily possible. To make sure you achieve your best and most cost effective result, we will always carefully assess your face to give you detailed and appropriate advice.

You can have more MINT Threads to enhance other areas of your face. Other treatment options are MINT Threads to lift eye brows, or imporve the appearance of your cheeks or facial sagging.

Satini Aesthetic Clinic Results

MINT Thread Lip Enhancement

A young woman immediately after MINT Threads for her lips. She has got some mild swelling of her upper lip which will likely reduce over a few days. But her lip contour and definition are quite improved.

MINT Thread Lip Enhancement