Dermal Filler for Hands

Sometimes your hands can give away your age. Make your hands look more attractive and youthful with skillfully placed dermal filler.

Dermal filler for hands

Have you noticed that your face looks fresh and rejuvenated but your hands give away your age? Our hands are exposed to many environmental stressors including frequent hand washing, and we often tend to forget to reapply sunscreen after a good wash. This makes hands especially vulnerable to premature ageing.

As with the face we can also rejuvenate hands with dermal filler reducing signs of ageing such as age spots, prominent blue veins and a wrinkly appearance.

Frequently Asked Questions about Dermal Filler for Hands

When we get older, our hands naturally loose volume. Since your hands are a very visible and prominent part of your body, this change will be become more noticeable. Dermal filler will restore lost volume and give your hands a plumper, more attractive look.

When we loose volume in our hands the blue veins and tendons also become more visible, dermal filler can restore lost volume in these delicate areas and minimise the appearance of prominent blue veins.

Our preferred filler for delicate hands is Radiesse®, a dermal filler that contains very small spheres of calcium hydroxylapatite. These spheres are combined with gel in order to make the dermal filler thick and firm.

When we inject this dermal filler into your hands, your tissues will gradually process the microspheres in the gel helping your hands produce new collagen, an important structural protein that allows the skin on your hands to remain taut and firm. Your hands will look fuller and more youthful.

We will start the process of renewing your hands by talking about your cosmetic goals and reviewing your medical background during your initial appointment. If your are happy to start the treatment and deemed medically safe by our doctors, we will first cleanse your hands and apply a potent numbing cream to make the procedure painless. We will use a very small ultra gentle needle to inject the product. Since your hands are unique, the amount of injectable product that you receive will vary but most people require 1 or 2 ml.

After we have finished injecting the product, we may gently massage your hands. This extra step will help the filler restore lost volume to your hands and ensure that the product is evenly distributed throughout your tissues.

Most people do not feel any pain during this procedure, a mild level of discomfort can be expected. We apply a highly potent numbing cream and use an ultra gentle needle for this procedure. In the rare event that the procedure becomes too uncomfortable, please let us know immediately, and we can discuss other options for pain relief.
Most people resume their daily activities straight away after this treatment but we will instruct you to make a few changes to your usual routine. During the next 24 hours, you shouldn’t go on a run, take a challenging exercise class, or do other rigorous physical activities. In addition, you should avoid going on long hikes or doing other activities that will expose your hands to intense sunlight during this time.

Dr Haub offers all three botulinum products that are FDA approved and have and extensive safety record (Xeomin®, Botox ® and Dysport®).

Satini Cosmetic Clinic Dermal Filler for Hands Results

Before treatment with Dermal Filler this woman had quite marked, visible blue veins and volume loss. After treatment with Radiesse Dermal Filler her hands look younger with more volume and less visible veins.

Before Dermal Filler For Hands-Botox Clinic Near Me-ChristchurchAfter Dermal Filler For Hands-Botox Clinic Near Me-Christchurch
Before Dermal Filler For Hands-Botox Clinic Near MeAfter Dermal Filler For Hands

Middles aged woman with mild volume loss in her hands. Reduced signs of ageing of her hand after volume replacement with dermal filler.

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