Dermal Filler For The Forehead

Dermal fillers are a rejuvenating treatment that help reduce the effects of aging. The treatment will also stimulate the production of collagen in your skin, and this will make your skin look smooth, plump and youthful.
Forehead Botox
Forehead Botox

Have you noticed that as you age you get frown lines and lines between the eyebrows that make you look tired and grumpy-even though you are not? This is caused by the forehead muscle that becomes shorter and stiffer as we age. The muscle pulls on the skin that lies on top of it making it look more wrinkly and saggy. This natural aging process is what causes many people to feel they look older, tired or even grumpy.

At SATINI we use a combination of Micro or Baby Botox and a soft Dermal Filler to enhance the forehead making it look smoother and less wrinkly while maintaining the natural movements and mimic of your face.

Very small droplets of botulinum toxin will be injected into the deep layers of the skin that lie right on top of the muscle. This technique improves the texture of your skin and makes it look less oily. But it also relaxes only the top layer of the forehead muscle while the lower layers of the muscle still move normally retaining the natural movements of your forehead.

Some people find that their forehead feels heavy after a treatment with conventional Botox. This is far less likely to happen with the use of Microbotox.

For most natural and effective results we combine a soft dermal filler of the Teoxane® range that will gently be injected into the skin folds of your forehead with the micro or baby Botox treatment. This will retain the natural movements of your forehead and your forehead will not feel heavy.
The procedure takes about half an hour. Most people do not require any downtime and resume their daily activities straight after the procedure. It is not uncommon to develop minor bruising or swelling which can be covered with make up that will be provided to you by SATINI. Please also check under FAQ if you require more information.

Dr Haub has selected a wide range of dermal fillers. One of her favourites is TEOXANE® as it produces very natural results. Restylane® and Belotero® are also available. Book a consultation today to find out if dermal fillers are the right treatment for your skin.

Satini Cosmetic Clinic Results

Middle aged woman who was concerned about the lines on her forehead and in between her eyes that she felt made her look grumpy and unhappy. She was treated with a combination of dermal filler to fill the lines and microbotox to relax the forehead muscle. She felt that she looked younger and less grumpy after the treatment.

Before and after dermal filler and Botox for the forehead-Botox clinic near me-Christchurch
Before and after dermal filler and botox for the forehead-Botox clinic near me-ChristchurchBefore and after dermal filler and botox for the forehead-Botox clinic near me-Christchurch

Middle aged woman before treatment of her glabella line (the line between the eyebrows). A combination of Botox and very small amounts of a superficially injected, soft dermal filler were used to soften the lines making her look less grumpy and tired.

You're just a few steps away from a new confident and youthful you.

Book your appointment today. All initial skin assessments are free!