Male Pattern Baldness

At SATINI, we see men of all different age groups seeking treatment for male pattern baldness. Younger man usually want to start treatment early and prevent further hair loss, whereas as older men are keen on regrowing some of their hair.

Have you noticed that your hairline starts receding and your hair becomes thinner? Does that make you feel more conscious about your appearance? Male Pattern Baldness is a common problem, and most men go bald at some stage in their lives. This process usually starts in the mid twenties, but it typically takes 15 to 25 years for men to go completely bald. Due to this, half of the men in their mid fifties are bald.

Lifestyle factors such as stress, smoking, too much alcohol, poor sleep and major life events contribute to hair loss. And this can affect your confidence. Typically, some men are more concerned with their appearance than others. But in general, we all want to look and feel our best.  Baldness can make this problematic.

Please make an appointment anytime if you wish to have a confidential appointment with Dr Nadja Haub.


We offer a wide range of treatment options for male pattern baldness. During your initial consultation, we will discuss all options with you in detail. This allows you to choose which treatment you prefer for your desired outcome within your budget.

  • No annual memberships
  • You pay for each treatment you choose
  • This puts you, and only you, in control of your treatment plan
  • We do not tie you into any packages
  • Packages are available but you can opt out, no questions will be asked

Please make an appointment anytime with one of our doctors to discuss your individual needs. We will provide you with a detailed treatment plan that you feel comfortable with.

Dr Nadja Haub has got extensive knowledge and experience in treating male pattern baldness. She will give you an honest and reliable opinion to achieve best results within your budget.

Male Pattern Baldness-Cosmetic Clinic Near me

What treatments do you offer for male pattern baldness?

A wide range of different treatment options are available. All of the treatments offered at Satini are scientifically proven to work.

You can choose which treatment plan suits you. This usually depends on how advanced your hair loss is and how much this bothers you. But it can also depend on your budget frame. Due to this, you may for example choose to start off with just a hair lotion. Just this single treatment can already improve hair thinning and hair loss quite significantly.

But if you wish to take things further, you can add in other treatments at anytime.  Or, you may decide to have the whole available treatment range from the start.

No annual payments or subscriptions are necessary. Please book an initial appointment with Dr Nadja Haub at SATINI to discuss your personal treatment options.

Finasteride is a prescription medicine that has been fully approved by the FDA for the treatment of male pattern baldness.

Men loose hair because their scalp is becoming increasingly sensitive to male hormones, so called androgens. Finasteride is a medicine that reduces your androgen levels. As a result, it helps to decrease the level of androgen in your body. Due to the lower levels of this hair damaging hormone in your body, it reverses hair loss.

What is the prove that it works?

Studies that looked at men who were being treated with finasteride. These studies showed that most men will notice some improvement of their hair loss. The process is gradual, and it will usually take 3 to 4 months to start working fully. As a result, approximately 85% of men with male baldness will start to regrow hair after 3 to 4 months.

How long do you need to take it for?

When you stop taking finasteride, the treatment benefit you have noticed will likely reverse.

Is it safe?

Finasteride has been on the market for many years. Due to this, health professionals have gained a lot of experience with this drug. As a result, we know that is usually very well tolerated, and it has got a proven safety record.

Side effects can occur at anytime of the treatment but are quite rare. We will discuss all possible side effects with you during your first consultation. In the rare event that you get any side effects, we recommend you to call Satini to speak to one of our doctors or see your own GP.

Dr Nadja Haub will take a detailed medical history from you to make sure that you can take this medication safely.

Plasma has become an innovative and simple method to treat male baldness. Several studies have shown that treatment with plasma increases hair density and also prevents further hair loss. It works best for men who experience mild to moderate hair loss. So it is quite important to start the treatment early, at a stage when you still have hair follicles that can be revived and made stronger.

A meta-analysis study in 2018 looked at all available studies worldwide to investigate the effectiveness of plasma treatment for male pattern baldness. It found compelling evidence that the treatment works. The study showed that the number of hairs in the area treated with plasma was significantly higher compared to the non treated areas. The hair in the treated area was also thicker.

Please make an appointment to speak to Dr Nadja Haub at SATINI to discuss your personalised and individual treatment options.

How does it work?

For this procedure the doctor will take some blood from you and put in a little pottle. We will then put the sample into a centrifuge and spin it at high speed. This process makes all the heavy blood cells stick to the bottom of the little pottle that contains your blood.  In contrast, the liquid part of your blood which is called plasma, will stay on top.

Plasma is very rich in growth factors that stimulate or repair damaged hair follicles. The doctor will gently inject the plasma and its valuable growth factors into an area of your scalp that has hair follicles. As a result, your hair follicles will produce stronger and healthier hair. This will also prevent you from further hair loss.

You will usually see results after a few months. We recommend you to have three treatments one month apart. After that, you can have annual or 6 monthly treatments to maintain the result.

More Questions?

Please check our PRP Plasma For Men Plasma Section for a wealth of information on this topic.

Red light laser therapy for male baldness was discovered in the 1960’s. It has since become a popular treatment to reduce hair loss and promote the regrowth of hair. Studies have shown that this treatment works. Men who used low level red laser every second day at home for 4 months increased their hair count by approximately 39%.

How does it work?

The exact mechanism how it works is not fully understood. But doctors think that the red light increases the blood supply to your hair follicle. As a result, the hair follicle is supplied with more nutrients and minerals. This allows the follicle to produce healthier and stronger hair.

Can I buy it from you?

Satini Cosmetic Clinic offers an FDA approved laser cap that you can easily use at home. Please check our online store or you can also purchase the device in our clinic.

Side effects from red light laser therapy are very rare. This may include generation of too much heat on your scalp. Should this happen, we would recommend you to switch the laser off and wait until the next day. Ideally, make the next day treatment making a bit shorter. And then gradually increase the duration of your treatment.

Minoxidyl hair lotion contains a prescription drug that was originally used to treat high blood pressure. One of the side effects of this medication was that people started to grow hair on their faces as well as on their scalp. Due to this reason, it has become unsuitable for the treatment of high blood pressure.

But, this unwanted side effect was turned into a treatment. As Minoxidyl improves hair quality and hair density on the scalp, it was added to a lotion that you can apply to your scalp. It has since become one of the most popular treatments for male pattern baldness.

Is it safe?

Side effects are rare as only very minimal amounts of Minoxidyl will be absorbed into your bloodstream. These very small amounts of minoxidyl are unlikely to lower your blood pressure.

Very few people can experience irritation and redness of the scalp or allergic reactions. If this is the case, we can supply a lotion that is less allergenic and equally effective. Should you get any side effects, please call SATINI and speak to Dr Nadja Haub or see your GP.

It is important that you enhance and maintain any in clinic treatment for male pattern baldness with a high quality and regular haircare routine at home.

There is a wide selection of innovative hair shampoos available that contain interesting and promising active ingredients to improve hair loss and hair thinning. Please check our carefully selected range of scientifically evaluated and proven to work hair products and supplements.

Redensyl-a new innovation for hair loss

Several of our carefully selected, high quality and scientifically designed shampoos contain REDENSYL™ complex. This innovative complex contains a unique mix of active ingredients. This mix was shown to be superior to traditionally used minoxidyl hair lotion. It increases hair growth by 8.9%.   A 2020 study  showed that men treated with Redensyl Complex experienced 2.54 times more hair growth compared to men who were treated with traditional Minoxidyl (brandname Regain).

Several other formulations have been approved and trade marked for the treatment of hair loss. Some of these reduce the activity of alpha reductase enzyme, an enzyme that helps to produce testosterone or dihydrotestosterone. These are the two main hormones responsible for hair loss.

Other formulations protect the hair follicle and hair shaft and improve hair quality and density.

To make it easier for you, we have selected a range of products that are scientifically proven to work. We describe each ingredient in detail so that you can choose the product you like most.

Saw Palmetto Fruit Extract is derived from a small palm tree native to the subtropical Southeastern United States. It has gained high popularity as an alternative remedy to treat hair loss. The fruit is able to block an enzyme called 5 alpha reductase. This enzyme converts testosterone to DHT, a molecule that is responsible for hair loss.

One small study involving 25 participants showed positive results for men treated with topical saw palmetto. Nearly half of the 25 participants increased their hair count by 11.9 percent after four months of treatment.

Please check our extensive range of scientifically proven products to improve hair loss and hair thinning.

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